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3 Myths about breastfeeding – Does it cause hair loss ?

Does breastfeeding cause hair loss ?

3 Myths about breastfeeding you should never believe

1-   Myth: – Don’t give your baby breastfeeding, you’ll be obese like the bear!

Does breastfeeding causing obesity ?
Does breastfeeding causing obesity ?
  • The fact: Weight gain is not caused by breastfeeding at all, weight gain is caused by eating too much (especially unhealthy type of food) and being inactive or having a sedentary lifestyle.
  • ❤️ The solution: a lot of breastfeeding women feeling hunger frequently، she can eat carrots sticks or nuts or fruits or oatmeal biscuits. She must stay away from sweets especially at the middle of the night. Breastfeeding women should move especially if she reached platue on weight despite healthy diet, here we advise them to move, for example walking, fast walking will be enough to stimulate the metabolism

2-Myth: – Don’t give your baby breastfeeding, you will have a hair loss!

Does breastfeeding cause hair loss ?
Does breastfeeding cause hair loss ?
  • The fact: During pregnancy there is a hormone that will elevate and lead to thick shiny appearance of hair, with decrease in the rate of normal weight loss After 3-4 months after delivery، that hormone level will decrease results in huge amount of hair loss (the hair that should be lost already during pregnancy)
  • ❤️ The solution: Don’t freak, its normal phenomena and it’s not because of breastfeeding and it happens even with mothers who is not breastfeeding her infants, focus on eating healthy food.

3- Myth: a woman who breastfeeds naturally, her smells will not be good!

Does breastfeeding baby cause bad odor in your body ?
Does breastfeeding baby cause bad odor in your body ?
  • The truth: There is no any link between the two conditions، the bad smell is evidence of lack of personal hygiene, it has nothing to do with the type of baby feeding
  • ❤️ The solution: some women, as a result of the change in body hormones, have a sensitive sense of smell and smell stronger, and sometimes the smell of the body changes. if she is pregnant or not, breastfeeding or not, personal hygiene remains mandatory

About Dr. Salman Dawood


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